
August 16, 2011

Foliage Follow Up

On the heals of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day comes Foliage Follow Up.

Day or night, this agave has served me well in its hanging basket. I've tried other plants in this spot, and the closest I've come to success was portulaca, but even it couldn't manager more than five days without water so like Amy, I've decided to get real with my container selections this summer.

Here's a rose that provides two for one beauty - the new purple foliage looks almost like tubular flowers (at least that what a hummingbird thought the other night) and the blooms in the spring are lovely too.

For more standout foliage, check out the links shared at Digging today.


  1. I long ago decided to "get real" with my summer containers too. I hate being a slave to the hose when it's 105 degrees outside day after day, so my containers hold agaves, Mexican feathergrass, dyckia, aloes, or small succulents. I can be gone two weeks in summer without worrying about any of them, and they look great all year. Of course, when we get a hard freeze, I do have to take some of them indoors, so I guess I haven't gotten completely real. ;-)

    Anyway, yea for agaves! And for lovely new foliage on roses too.

  2. this Texas summer, I'm thinking Agaves are the way to go!

  3. An agave in a hanging basket? That's awesome... I love that idea! Might have to steal that next year, because I keep trying different things to hang near my back (south-facing, driveway-neighboring) door, and not even rosemary seems to be able to withstand the heat there.

  4. RBell and Blackswamp_Girl, I would strongly recommend investing in a small fancy agave for containers in harsh environments. This fall, I am going to try mixing some sort of compact, xeric color plant around the agave.

  5. Agave in a hanging basket is just the most interesting idea I've read about in ages. I would like some containers around my terrace but don't want to have to water them every day - this may be the answer to my search for something suitable Christina
